blogovanje by Slavac

Jun 16, 2006


Otvorite vaše knjige na Tu sve pročitajte i naučite za sljedeći čas. Al da vama kaže nešto teta-Slavka: Alaska is a freezing country rarely inhabited, less than a million of bold and warm-temperatured people live there, mainly fishing. They are Americans...but though pretty Russian-like Americans..(Lidija would say, a geneticly modified Eskimo that speaks American English and looks just like a Russian). They are polite, they cherish family values...well brought up kids. Though it is freezing outthere they are always out, playing hokey, fishing, killing bears with their bare hands... :o) And when they reach south, they walk around without socks and in tiny T-shirts just if temperature is above zero, scarry :o) So now you you know how to easily regocnize an Alaskan in the street, don't you ;o)))) I, myself, have regocnized one at the Belgrade streets and had the pleasure to hang out with him some time :o)

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